Possible Impossibilities

Have you ever jumped to a quick conclusion, about someone – only to find out later that your conclusion about them was wrong?  How often do we secretly study people, and conclude that some people will never succeed or become anything? We decide (in our minds) that they are hopeless and are good for nothing!  It is people like that, who we label as “unworthy or unsavable;” by this world’s standards. And yet, God… God can do anything, with anyone, who we label “Impossibly-lost!”  With God, we should never count anyone out of being changed by God’s All-Powerful, All-Able, Hands!  In fact, God chooses the weak things (or people), to shame the strong ones. So, it is true: with man, the salvation of anyone’s soul is Impossible – but with God, ANYONE’S soul CAN BE saved!