Unparalleled Wealth

In the year 1848, a gold-rush broke out in California.  It seems that one man (James Marshall) found a few flakes of gold, while building a mill. Well, the word travelled across the country, and people everywhere saw gold dust in their eyes. They left their homes & families, to chase after the elusive golden flakes.  Many gave up everything they had, and ended up empty. Their hearts were fooled by the Greed of gold, and too many died very poor people. The lust of wealth blinded their hearts & conscious’s, taking them far away from sanity – the Greed literally caused them to steal from, and even kill, other people.  Not just losing their sane human self, they were further carried away from seeking God and His eternal security.  They not only died poor, they died without God and His salvation – a sad epitaph to a whole life filled with the lust of wealth!  Truly, a fool’s gold can cloud their judgement & moral being, activating the darker-side (sinful nature) within their heart. Wealth should NEVER be our life’s security… Jesus Christ IS our only life and eternal security – Trust ONLY in Him!