Want, Want

Ah, the game of Tug of war…. If team “A” pulls team “B” over to their side of the line, team “A” wins (or, visa-versa).

Yet, when it comes to the many thoughts & desires, that we have (daily) – our mind goes through a series of tug-of-wars, as well.

If our mind’s “wants, desires & temptations” (be them Good or bad), pull our heart over to agree with it – then our mind wins, and our entire self with either: enjoy or suffer the consequences!

The only way to win the Spiritual tug of war, of Good & evil going on in our mind – is to pull each thought & desire, over the invisible line in our being, that separates what is of the world and what is of God… and this can only be done by us having the Most Incredible, Mighty, Anchor Man, pulling at the end of our team’s Thoughts & Desires-rope… He IS: The Holy Spirit of The Living God!